Medicina Democratica

Lettera di sostegno a Gilles-Eric Séralini (autore dello studio indipendente sulla nocività degli OGM) da parte di Medicina Democratica

Pubblicato il 22 ottobre 2012
di: Redazione (Autore/i o Autrice/i in calce all’articolo)

TO: CRIIGEN, Committee for Research and Independent Information on Genetic Engineering

To whom it may concern

Medicina Democratica represents since many decades a Movement in defence of health and safety, composed by doctors, epidemiologists, scientists, technicians and specialists of various fields, besides common citizens engaged on these problems.

As Medicina Democratica we consider with the highest interest the key study published 19 September 2012 by Gilles-Eric Séralini’s team, which calls into question protocols used to assess GMOs and pesticides as well as the workings of the expert committees over the past 20 years.

The Séralini’s study is one of the first really independent researches on this field, and we ask it be considered with the greatest seriousness and care by the scientific community and by the political and administrative authorities.

One of the most interesting features of the Séralini’s study is the time duration of the research, in order to find long-term effects.

It seems needless to say that the extremely worrying evidences given by this study need further verifications. In any case, the protection of health is a higher value than any economic and commercial interest.

In the case of uncertainty it is absolutely necessary to assume the principle of precaution, while waiting for further evidence or refutation of these results, resisting to any pressure by economic or commercial interests, which usually are quite insensitive to the problems of health and environment.

The President

Dr. Piergiorgio Duca

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