Contro i pesticidi, in tutta Europa

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Continuano le iniziative europee per il bando dei pesticidi a maggiore pericolosità incluso il glifosato.

Medicina Democratica continua ad appoggiare  l’appello  del PAN International List of Highly Hazardous Pesticides. contro l’uso “controllato” dei pesticidi di maggiore nocività (qualcuno si ricorderà, prima del bando dell’amianto, le discussioni sull’uso controllato dell’amianto o di altri cancerogeni come le ammine aromatiche ecc).

Anche la FAO e l’OMS si stanno rendendo conto della necessità di regolamentazioni restrittivi, di divieti chiari e della necessità di una ricerca delle alternative non chimiche per attuare l’agroecologia.

Di seguito l’ultimo comunicato del PAN, l’appello e le sottoscrizioni internazionali e i link ai documenti di interesse.


Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) are now addressed by new FAO/WHO Guidelines. These Guidelines form the basis of the work not just of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the World Health Organisation (WHO) but also of SAICM, the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management.
Several details of the PAN  recommendations did not make it into the final version of the Guidelines. However, very good news is that PAN succeeded in getting agro-ecologically based alternatives and the term organic into this document – for the first time in any of the documents relating to the International Code of Conduct on Pesticide Management.

From the perspective of replacing HHPs, section 3.2 of the Guidelines is the most important one as it clearly gives primacy to non-chemical alternatives.

You might be interested in using these new FAO/WHO Guidelines to ask your governmental representatives to take action. And in case you might be interested in attaching the newest version of the „Appeal for a ban of Highly Hazardous Pesticides“ (up to now signed by 513 organizations from 106 countries – including your organisation) please find it attached.

Kind regards and all the best for the important work you do Carina Weber (PAN International / PAN Germany)



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